Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Brock's eye surgery

Brock's tear ducts have been clogged since he was about a week old. His right eye unclogged on its own but his left eye never did. When I took him in for his 15 month well check the doctor told me it was time to see a specialist to have it taken care of. We went to the specialist and they told us we had two options (1) to strap him down and have them try to do it in the office while he is awake and thrashing (which only has a 70% success rate). Or (2) go under anesthesia and have them do it that way. We obviously decided to go with the surgery. He was under for about 5 minutes and the surgery went well.

We can't tell you how nice it is to finally see his eyelashes ungooped and his eye not to be red. In about 6 months we will have a follow up and they will pull the stent out that they put in. So glad it is over with.

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