Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Lizard that got away

Cuddles actually caught this lizard on our side yard. I heard her meowing so I went out there and she had this lizard pinned. I thought she had eaten it; so when the dogs went out later that night I was surprised to see the lizard hiding out under neath the crate. You can see some of the blood on its arm. It could barely walk. Chris scooped it up on a spatula and put it up on our back wall near the tree so the dogs wouldn't eat it. I couldn't believe how long its tail was.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You guys have longer skinnier lizards than we've got here in CA. Watch out...lizards are our cats favorite thing to catch and then she stashes them under our entry rugs...poor things. Look for broken tails laying around.
