Monday, January 21, 2013

Visit from DJ and Bryant

The day after Christmas, DJ and Bryant drove up for a visit. The boys had lots of fun playing video games and eating good food.

 Poor Addy did not feel well. We didn't know it at the time but she was getting more molars.

 We went to dinner at Hacienda. Yummy! Addy was so tired she fell asleep, which never happens. Thats when we knew she really didn't feel well.

 Catherine got our kids these sweet sock monkey hats! Unfortunately Addy wouldn't let me put hers on for a picture.

 We had some fun playing monopoly. If I remember right Chris won, which usually happens.
We also had some fun playing Dance Central on the kinect. The boys were good sports about Jenny posting it on the internet.

We had a really good time with DJ and Bry and were really glad that they could come visit.

1 comment:

  1. You put the video up on your blog?!?! how dare you :D haha ah man good fun
